Category Bar For Wordpress

Category Bar for Wordpress is a top category bar menu that lets the user easily scroll through all category posts using touch swipe or mouse actions.
Plugin Features:
Set bottom bar height and post items width.
Over 700 Icons to choose from.
Insert using shortcode in the page. Not sitewide must have shortcode on page to use the menu.
Create for Touch devices. Ipad, iphone, Android etc.
Extremely Responsive
Top bar slideable menu.
Set what post content is loaded into the quickview panel.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can the menu bar be at the bottom of the screen?
A: There currently is only one spot available for the bar – at the top.
Q: Can this menu be set as sitewide?
A: The menu can only be added on a page by page basis using shortcode in the page body.
Q: How are the icons set for the categories?
A: A line of html is added on the page to set each categories icon.
Q: Will the menu conflict with any other top bar or content on the page?
A: It could. If you have content at the top of the page or another fixed top bar styling adjustments might be required to settle styling conflicts. Product support will help with this.