CodeMatics Testimonial Slider
Testimonials are very important for your business or brand. You want to know about client’s experience about your business and people want to know about your from client’s experience before making any decision about you.
Slider testimonial is a recent development of Codematics which provides support for users and client testimonials on your website. This is highly customizable plugin where you can add and edit everything you need to change according to your needs.
This plugin helps you to embed testimonials in slider format in your website. You can add testimonials according to category and in slider form. Everything is custom in our slider testimonial, testimonials related to your category will be shown in slider format.
You can add client’s name
You can add customer’s company name and link to customer
You may add client’s photo OR link URL
You can add link to read more
You can create multiple sliders
You can display recent testimonials
You can add testimonials in reverse order; latest first
This plugin provides you the functionality to embed testimonials anywhere you want to put. You can add this in your widgets, you can add with the help of shortcode, and you can add it with template tag. Codematics Testimonials Slider is almost compatible with every browser in the market. So feel free to add it.
You can add following animations to your testimonials
Scroll Horizontally
Cross Fade
Uncover Slide
How to Install
Uzip the folder.
Upload the testimonial-slider folder to your /wp-content/plugins directory.
In your WordPress dashboard, head over to the Plugins section.
Activate Testimonial Slider.
Features of Codematics Slider Testimonials
Responsive Design
Easy to install and use
Custom post type as a Testimonial
Easy shortcode insertion
Widget Support
No Web Development or design knowledge is needed
Preview in admin panel
HTML tags support
Slides can be linked to testimonial details (if available)
Support in WordPress Forum
If you have any query regarding our plugin or need any support. Feel Free to contact us