Build awesome, responsive item help documentation.
Store as many documentations as you want on one Wordpress installation without any hassle. Store live previews of each documentation, once you are satisfied with how it looks, go ahead and export it as standalone ZIP version with HTML5/CSS3 (Bootstrap 3) inside, ready for sending like help file to Envato marketplace.
No more headache with item help documentations!
Core Features:
Built with Bootstrap 3+
Unlimited documentations on one WP installation
Create new documentations
Modify & Update old documentations easy
Save unfinished documentations for later edit
Delete documentations
Export documentation to another WP
Import documentation from another WP
Autosave every 10 seconds
Friendly backend with great UI
Sortable & nestable sections for item help file navigation in backend
TinyMC 4 supported with full screen edit possible
Syntax Highlighter supported with 15+ code languages
Use native wordpress media to store and include image, video and audio files
Create new or edit your help documentation front-end layout easily with index.tpl and generated shortcodes
Export ZIP library with HTML5/CSS3 files included 100% ready for deliver
Print Ready so your customers can print it directly or save it like PDF
Multilanguage and complete translations supported with .po files
Great help file built by Documente WP Plugin.
Current version: v1.0
5.21.2014. - Documente
+ Main Release
All credits are in help file