Exchange - Product Attribute and Filtering
iThemes Exchange – Product Attribute and Filtering is an Add-on for Exchange allows you to offer product options such as sizes, colors and/or any custom attribute you want to your products. You can create unlimited variations for each product and assign the attribute for each this variation. Each variation have own properties such as price, inventory, downloads ( Digital Download product ), thumbnail, ect…and custom attributes. It also offer the widget let you filter the products by any attribute using AJAX
Key Features
Create multiple attributes for each product
Easily to assign and arrange attributes by drag and drop
Enable/Disable to use attribute for variations
Multiple variations for each product
Multiple attributes for each variation
Manage price, inventory, downloads, thumbnail for each variation
Option Regular price and Sale price
Show price range for all variations in “Store” and “Single” product page
Update price when user select attribute
Auto applies the sale price to Cart and Order
Works with Super Widget and on Single product page
Product filter widget
Drag and drop to order filters in widget
Enable/Disable the filter to show/hide in widget
Ajax filter by Alphabet, Price, Category, Tag and Custom Atrributes
Count products matched with filter attribute
Product Ordering: Name, Price, Date
Infinite scroll option
Search Engine Optimized – generating URL for all attributes filtering
...and more