Flyouts - Off Canvas Custom Content for WordPress

BNE Flyouts is a WordPress plugin that adds off-canvas hidden sidebars with any custom content that will push in on every page of your site from a trigger or action. Any content you put in the Flyout will not display until the user triggers a floating button, floating image or linked from any element from your page content. You can utilize this plugin in so many ways: show visitors contact forms, social links, testimonials, images, your social feeds, offer an subscription, display banners and so much more!
Unlimited Number of Flyouts!
Each Flyout background and font color can be styled individually.
Add any type of content, HTML, text, images, and most shortcodes.
Hide Flyout trigger buttons/images based on screen size.
Trigger a Flyout from any page link, image, button, or menu item.
Default Triggers are either Buttons or Images and float on the left / right edge of the browser window.
Automatic Updates from the WordPress Dashboard.
Plugin Settings
Flyout settings are styled and configured individually.
Each Flyout’s width, location, background, and font colors are controlled when creating each Flyout.
Plugin Requirements
WordPress Version: 3.8+
Browser Support: IE 9+, Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox.
(Will work in IE8; however, button labels will not rotate against the edge of the browser window as it uses CSS3 Transforms.