Follow up email for woocommerce


Follow-up emails for Woocommerce

The Follow Up Email Plugin is an indispensable tool to help you stay in close touch with your customers. The plugin allows create unlimited rules to send follow-up emails. Followup email plugin allows admin insert coupon and it’s expiry date in email. (Admin can configure those coupons,coupon type, amount e .g ) Admin can define rule base on these types
-When a customer abandons their cart
-Before (on or after ) x days of customer’s birthday
-After customer place order
-After customer place order and the order obtain a particular status and items of order satisfied defined condition
-To all customers on specific day



You can access configuration page by click Settings of woocommerce, then click Follow up email tab Sender – defines the default Sender for extension’s emails. Note, this option can be overriden in the Rule Settings
Time period to be considered as abandoned cart : time in minutes , the plugin counts time from the last update time of cart to the current time, if a predefined time pass, the plugin will consider it is abandoned cart.

Setting up rules

Admin click on Woocommerce/Follow up email to access the follow up email rules page. From here,admin can define rule conditions, then add several tiers to your rule chain. Each tier allows you to choose email template and the number of days for system to wait before sending (for the Customer birthday event you may input negative values, pointing that the corresponding email will be generated and sent before the birthday happen). The power of plugin is admin can insert coupon on email, the defined the additional condition to send follow up email

Variables you can use in email template

{{customer_name}} – The name of customer . Example usage Dear {{customer_name}}
{{store_url}} The url of shop page of woocommerce
{{store_name}} The name of blog
{{order_number}} The order number
{{order_url}} The url of order view
{{restore_cart_link}} The url customer click on it to restore his abandoned cart.