Showcase your work in an unique horizontal navigation, suitable for all kind of content. Portfolio images or plain text content can fit in any of the 9 schemes that come with the theme.
Scripts and styles are compressed and images are loaded with lazyload so your content can load fast. The content of individual articles is loaded dynamically into the home page or category page, while the address bar changes accordingly to what you are viewing. This way your users can access the content without reloading the page, and share it or bookmark it to come back later.
The theme is extremely customizable, with the premise of horizontal navigation you can customize sizes, colors, elements to display, and almost anything from the theme. You can display 3 different sections of your site with an absolutely different custom style. The navigation of the site can be made dragging with the mouse, scrolling, or even using the keyboard.
List of features
Responsive design that adapts to any screen size
Ajax loading (dynamic content) for pages, articles and comments
Html5 + CSS3 + jQuery
10 schemes
Theme customizer
Image and video modalbox
Unique scroll experience
Top-Left-Bottom sidebars
Widget Ready
Custom height, widths, margins, sizes, etc.
Google web fonts
Social media icons
Cross browser Optimization
Optimized for CSS3 animation effects and fallback with jQuery
Update browser message for ie8 and below
Documentation and support forum
Custom Contact Page
The following resources are used to create this theme, and display the demo:
Eddie Machado’s Bones Theme which is the basis of this theme
eflon great photos
seier great photos
miyukiutada great photo
Pattern image from Subtle Patterns
Archicopters great video
Google fonts
IcoMoon icons
jQuery Easing
Lazy Load
jQuery Form Plugin
jQuery Validation Plugin
Google Maps jQuery plugin
Image Picker
Color Picker
Jean-Baptiste contact page tutorial
Flat Responsive Showcase Psd for description
I would like to thank them all for their great resources.
Images used in the preview as well as the setting bar are for demo purposes only, and do not come with the theme.
I will be glad to help you if you have any questions related to the theme. I’ll do my best to assist. Support is made through the
support forum. I will try to reach you as soon as possible.
I hope you like the theme.
18 January 2014: Version 1.0.2
+ Added new scheme, I hope you like it and can see more possible displays of the theme.
+ Added ‘Fading article scrollbar’ setting (Main/Category > Article) to fade out scrollbar when the Article is not being scrolled.
+ Added ‘When clicking Article thumbnail’ setting (Main/Category > Article) to select between hide the Thumb or open Modalbox/Single Article page.
+ Added ‘Page-iScroll snap to Articles’ setting (Main/Category > Article) to choose if Page scroller snaps to articles or doesn’t snap at all.
+ Added ‘Article header height’ setting (Main/Category > Article).
+ Added ‘Cover embeded videos with layer’ setting (Common settings > Performance) to activate/deactivate layer over embeded iframes such as videos.
+ Added ‘Top menu elements display on click’ setting (Common settings > Navigation) to select between Hover or Click for desktop devices.
+ Added ‘Left menu elements display on click’ setting (Common settings > Navigation) to select between Hover or Click for desktop devices.
^ Improved javascript performance. iScroll, Thumbnail and Lazyload.
^ Redesigned Theme Customizer. Now its much cleaner.
^ Improved SEO with the use of h1,h2 tags, improved title tag and Article Thumbnail images alt now display the Article title.
^ Scrollbars now shrink when scrolling outside of the boundaries.
^ More exaplanations about theme features in the help file.
* Fixed bug with Favicon which was not appearing.
* Modalbox images and articles display correctly even when fast clicking is made.
* Fixed bug with Windows 8 tablets and Internet Explorer 11 touch events.
5 January 2014: Version 1.0.1
+ Added ‘Modalbox Articles’ setting to activate/deactivate Modalbox option in Articles (dynamic loading of articles)
+ Added ‘No conflict Mode’ setting. There could be css#id attribute conflict with Modalbox Article feature
* Fixed bug with paragraph shortcode and floats
* Fixed bug when seeing single article from Theme Customizer without minified scripts
3 January 2014: Version 1 (Release)