Hotspot Map - Image Tooltips for Layers

Hotspot Map

Layers Extension

The best-selling WordPress plugin for image tooltips on CodeCanyon. Now available as an extension for the WordPress framework Layers.

Clean & Easy to Use Editor

Hotspot Map for Layers comes with a simple editor that lets you precisely place, reposition, scale and edit Hotspots on your image.

Rich Customization Toolkit

Make a spot visible or invisible. Show tooltips on mouseover, click or always show. Popup position – left, right, top or bottom. Custom color for the hotspot. Manually adjust the width of the tooltip to match your content perfectly. Drag & drop to move or resize a hotspot.

Instant Preview of the Widget in the Front-End

Thanks to Layers’ front-end engine, you get an instant preview of how the widget will look like in your site, live as you make changes.