Hyperbule - Wordpress Theme
Hyperbule is perfect for your scrapbook of thoughts, photos, videos, audio, and more. It features a blog, portfolio (Jetpack), shop (Woocommerce), and is perfect for web agencies, digital studios, corporates, product showcases, personal and business portfolios. Hyperbule looks just as good on the go as it does on the desktop.
Blog in either grid or list format
Portfolio in either grid or list format
Shop in either grid or list format
Responsive Design
No Bloated Theme Options. Standard Customizer
Infinite Scroll Post Loading (with Jetpack)
3 Widget Areas
Localization Support (.mo and .po files)
Recommended Plugins
Jetpack (required for Portfolio)
Woocommerce (required for Shop)
Optional Plugins
Disqus Comment System
Shortcodes Ultimate
WP Review