Wohoo! Insperia 1.4 is Out Now! Improved the theme, New Elements were added as requested from our customers and heavily improved the existing ones! Check the change-log at the bottom of this page for more information and examples
Insperia is an extreme WordPress theme, that is suitable for every business, in every way. It’s responsive, retina ready, clean, fully charged and handcrafted with love. It comes with a lot of packaged plugins that you don’t need to pay for, once you have bought the theme, you will get all of these plugins for free: Visual Composer ($28), Layer Slider ($17), Revolution Slider ($18) and HTML Files ($16) the total revenue is around $79. We offer free and lifetime support & updates for the theme, we do our best to help you with anything.
Insperia Features:
WordPress 4.1.1
Includes the Layer-Slider – $17 Value
Includes the Visual Composer – $28 Value
Includes HTML files – $16 Value
Includes the Slider Revolution – $18 Value
Fully customizable: unlimited colors, backgrounds , font options and more.
One Click Demo Install
Widgetized Sidebars
Multiple Blogs.
Portfolio Page.
Fully Responsive.
Clean and creative design.
Online Documentation with video training.
Super easy setup.
Fully Charged admin panel.
Google Fonts included.
Multiple Header Designs & Sticky header option.
Full Packed HTML Files included.
Unlimited colors.
Fontello/Entypo Icons.
Social media integration.
Localization Ready
Cross browsers compatible
Clean coded
SEO optimized
Unlimited customer support
And much more!
If you have any question regarding our theme, just hit up our
support forum or contact us by sending your questions to:
[email protected]
2015 April 14 – Version 1.4
- style.css - new version number.
- Added: Hide search header option.
- Added: Testimonials page option.
- Added: Map marker option.
- Added: SEO enhancements.
- Added: Google+ social media option.
- Added: Second Phone option in contact details.
- Fixed: Contact Details dynamic options.
- Fixed: Copyrights section HTML tags.
- Fixed: Breadcrumb parent page option.
- Fixed: Hide testimonials company option if empty.
- Fixed: Hide mail from contact section if empty.
2015 March 29 – Version 1.3
- style.css - new version number.
- Added: LayerSlider demo content.
- Fixed: jQuery tabs fix.
2015 March 24 – Version 1.2
- style.css - new version number.
- Added: Visual Composer latest version.
- Fixed: Header style one issue.
2015 March 20 – Version 1.2
- style.css - new version number.
- Added: Hot Fix