Interstellar – A Multipurpose Wordpress Theme
multipurpose Wordpress theme with a powereful admin panel, shortcode generator, woocommerce and bbpress compatible and more.
A Quick Video Guide to installation and Dummy content
Other Features
Choose between Over 600 Google Fonts for headers and paragraphs easily from the theme options.
Dummy Content Available to help you start creating pages and content.
Integrated With Contact Form 7 for easy contact forms creation.
Easily Choose Number of Footer Columns Throught The Admin Panel.
Tons of Vector Icons Available at the short code generator with options to add a circle or square backgrounds and colors.
Parallax Backgrounds with sooth scrolling.
Integrated With ZillaLikes Plugin.
Animation of blocks when appearing on viewport.
Portfolio and Slider Custom Post Types.
Ajax Search.
Easy Page Header Customization with metaboxes, choose between an interstellar header, image header with parallax effect or no header.
Infinite portfolio columns.
Bulid your own shop with woocommerce, with a beautifully styles integration with the theme.
Create a forum using bbpress with an amazing styling to match the theme.
Page Templates
Blank With Sidebar.
Blank With Slider.
Theme Options: General, Styling, Header, Footer, Portfolio, Forum, Shop, Blog, Contact and 404 options.
Shortcodes Generator: Sections, Rows, Columns, Typography, Lists, Buttons, Alerts, Icons, Progress Bars, Tabs & Accordions, Sliders, Tweets Slider, Team Member, Testimonials, Animated Lists, Icon Items, Recent Portfolio and Blog Items.
List Effects
jQuery Easing Plugin
jQuery Background Position
Twitter Fetcher
multi level slide accordion menu with jQuery
Easy Responsive Tabs
Change Log
Thank you
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