Lets-Box | WordPress Plugin
This plugin will help you to easily integrate Box into your WordPress website or blog. Lets-Box allows you to view, download, delete, rename files & folders directly from a WordPress page. You can use Lets-Box as a filebrowser, gallery, audio- or video-player!
NOTE: Lets-Box uses the Offical Box API.
Google Drive: We have also a Google Drive variant of this plugin with even more powerful features!. If you only want to use the Gallery function you really should consider Use-your-Drive as it is much faster.
File browser
View Box folders & files directly on your site
Upload form so users can upload (multiple) files to Box
Add, delete and rename files & folders
Search your Google for files & folders and even in contents
If needed you can restrict users so they are only able to use their ‘own’ Box folder
Great looking grid with lightbox
Folder thumbnails shows whats inside the folder
Customize image row height
Shuffle images
Add, delete and rename images
Audio & Video
Streams audio files directly from your Box with a HTML 5 audioplayer with flash-fallback
.m4a (AAC/H.264)
.oga (Vorbis/Theora)
Streams video files directly from your Box with a HTML 5 audioplayer with flash-fallback. (Do always supply a mp4 or m4v file for cross-browser support)
.webmv (Vorbis/VP8)
.ogv (Vorbis/Theora)
.mp4Â (Limited support)
.m4v (AAC/H.264)
Multiple awesome skins
Sort files by name, size or modified date
Restrict viewing by file extension and file or folder name
Restrict uploading files by file extension
Restrict which user can see, download, rename or delete your files or upload new ones. You can set the required roles by yourself
Secure OAuth 2 authentication
Powerful but intuitive shortcode generator
Multi Sites supported
Multi language supported
And finally… All elements are responsive!
Do you miss a feature? Let us know!
At least PHP 5.3 with cURL extension and ‘allow_url_fopen’ enabled
Not compatible with
Front-end Editor pluginScreenshots
= 1.0 (8 July 14) =
Initial release version