Lightbox Video Wall Wordpress Plugin
Lightbox Video Wall is a thumbnail gallery with optional video playback on thumbnail rollover and lightbox functionality. Supported are self hosted videos and Youtube.
Multiple predefiend layouts (clear, zoom, tooltip, icons)
Thumbnail video data can be mp4 videos or Youtube
For self hosted videos, only mp4 video format required for all browsers and devices
YouTube Data API (v3)
Single video
Youtube playlist
Youtube channel
Youtube user channels
Youtube video search
automatically generated video thumbnails and description for Youtube (or your own custom)
Optional lightbox attached to videos
Self hosted video video embeddable in lightbox
Optional web links attached to videos
Empty video click actions with callback
Optional video sound on rollover
Optional search field for youtube
Optional pagination
Play video
Stop video
add track(s) to playlist
remove track from playlist
Load playlist
Destroy playlist
Get title
Get description
Setup Done
Playlist Loaded
Item Triggered
Item Rollover
Item Rollout
playlist Empty