LUNAR – WordPress Photography Plugin
Lunar Photography, a very clean and simple WordPress Plugin that automatically converts your photos to WooCommerce products.
Some of the plugin’s strong points are: fully responsive grid, advanced admin panel (easy drag and drop interface), high performance on mobile devices, modern look & feel, clean and spacious design.
Automatically convert images to WooCommerce products
Quick edit product title, price, description.
The product description is automatically built out of image size, image file size, description and EXIF data
Display albums with lunar shortcode (WooCommerce is not required)
Display WooCommerce product as three and two columns
Control allowed EXIF data and the order of EXIF keys (see admin video)
Custom settings for each album
Display all albums from one or more categories
Choose album cover image size : 25%, 30%, 33%, 50%, 70%, 100%
Display a self hosted video as album cover (video can play/loop all time or just on hover)
Full width special album cover (with description on the right or left side)
Drag and drop gallery for each album
Add embedded videos instead of gallery image (will show within the lightbox)
Enable/disable custom redirect URL for albums
High performance on mobile devices (loads photos based on resolution)
Custom CSS support
Comprehensive documentation for the Lunar plugin. Browse the documentation, search for help topics, step by step guide on how to install and use the plugin. See
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Preview video:
Minimal Frame (After Effects project)
Preview images:,
Please note that both the preview images and the preview videos are not included within the download.