Display contents from
different sources and display them in an unique environment. News Box is a an innovative wordpress slider meant to allow you grouping multiple contents and
sort them by date.
Fully responsive, adapt itself to any screen and container.
Spread contents from everywhere
Given different sources, the plugin automatically fetches last news and sort them by date.
Every box can have
unlimited sources, you can mix contents from:
any RSS feed, Facebook pages, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest, Google+, Soundcloud, Tumblr and of course display
Wordpress posts from one/more/any category.
Do you want to display latest Tweets and posts from your corporate Facebook page and also latest posts from your site? No problem, the plugin handles everything for you. Titles, links, images, lists, tables: everything is collected and ready to be used.
Everything with maximum ease and in few minutes: the plugin is in fact ready to be used
out of the box!
News Box is also
fully responsive, adaptive and mobile optimized to guarantee a perfect content display on any device.
Maximum flexibility
As per LCweb standards,
every News Box element is customizable with more than 30 options to use in builder and to be checked immediately in the preview.
Two main display modes (vertical, horizontal), boxed layout, commands nestable in 8 different positions,
lightbox integration and date format are just a small examples.
Also fetched
contents can be filtered by a powerful system, allowing you to strip and remove unnecessary html tags.
Don’t have time to fiddle with all these aspects? Creating a box, it
is ready to be used in your website with default settings.
Of course also slider timings are fully manageable, with the ability to create also a stunning continuous slider effect, perfect for breaking news bars.
Take a look at the playground!
Custom skin builder and preset themes
The plugin comes with three preset themes (minimal, light, dark) to adapt itself to any theme immediately.
But you can also create
your own unique style: using your colors, setting image borders, boxed news margins. Everything directly from an handy user interface and with few clicks.
Freedom is almost complete and the powerful javascript core will render perfectly your choices keeping all the features on any screen size!
WooCommerce integration and Quick News
News Box could be a great way to
display your products. Yes, you can also use WooCommerce as content source!
Even in this case you can choose to get one/more/any category products in few seconds.
Or maybe you need to
spread quick news, without creating a Wordpress post. News Box is the solution to this need, coming with a special post type not shown on website pages but just fetchable by the plugin.
Plus you can feature each news with a youtube/vimeo video or also with a Soundcloud track!
Walkthrough Videos
To make the plugin easy for everyone, the documentation comes with detailed videos explaining each step necessary to setup and use any function:
Main Options
Create a box – manage sources
Create a box – box settings
Create Items – Audio
The shortcode
Custom skin builder
- obviously, the plugin requires a responsive theme to have a responsive behaviour
- jQuery v1.5 is the minimum requirement (v1.7 to use also the lightbox)