“News Ticker Ultimate” is a plguin for WordPress. This plugin enables you to create a nice
news ticker or
news/post scroller easily with your post/page/custom-posts items.
You can use this plugin easily in any WordPress post/page through shortcode. You can also use it with your themes template files by using ‘do_shortcode()’ function.
Full control over ticker themes Preety customizable
Post selection options Custom catrgory post support Include/Exclude post by catrgory Custom ordering and limit
Parmalink support Support multiple instances of ticker
Control buttons (Pause/Play/Next/Previous) Custom speed, animation and direction Support up to 21 parameters in shortcode Live Demo
Demo 1 Demo 2 Update History
Update 01 - 07-MAR-2014 - V1.1
Fixed control button issues
jQuery NewsTicker