Create popping custom responsive layouts with sidebars and widgets in just a few clicks. Choose from variety of overlays, positioning, page visibility, active period, open/close events, custom styling, custom sidebars and much more.
3 types of Overlay – Full Bar, Side Box, Popup/Lightbox
Positioning – Header, Footer, Left, Right, Popup
Custom Responsive Layouts in your Overlay
Create Unlimited Custom Sidebars
Any Sidebar and Widget in your Overlay
Visibility for any set of pages, page templates, posts , categories, tags, archives, custom post types, taxonomies, user roles, WPML languages, WooCommerce, bbPress, BuddyPress
Set from-to Activation Period
Set Open/Close events – on page load, on page load with delay, after a number of page views, on exit intent, from a link, number of page loads, period of time, etc.
Custom Styling via an interface in the back-end
Easy and Intuitive administration that fits WordPress core design
Lifetime Support and Updates
How It Works
Create Sidebars – as many as you need
Set up Your Overlay – choose type, positioning, page visibility, active period, open/close events, styling, etc.
Create Layout and Insert Sidebars – just a few clicks with the OTW Grid Manager
3 Types of Overlay
All settings described in the bellow sections are available for all overlay types.
Full Bars – Header, Footer, Left or Right Positioning, Fixed or Scrolling with the Page, Slide or Fade Animation
Side Boxes – Header, Footer, Left or Right Positioning, Fixed or Scrolling with the Page, Slide or Fade Animation
Popups / Lightboxes – 7 animations, Overlay and Popup Styling
Activation Period, Open & Close Events
All types of overlays can be activated for any Period of time and different type of Open and Close Event.
Activation Period – always, from-to date and time
Open Events – on page load, on page load with delay, after a number of page views, on exit intent, click on a link
Close Event – close until next page load, show/hide button, close for number of page loads, close for number of days
Visibility Settings
All types of overlays can be set to be visible on any set of pages on your site.
Posts and taxonomies – Pages, posts , categories, tags, custom post types, custom taxonomies
Templates – Page templates, template hierarchy, taxonomy archives, user roles
Plugin support – WPML languages, WooCommerce, bbPress, BuddyPress, etc.
Unlimited Custom Styling
Style your overlays however you want.
Theme styles – The plugin will follow your theme styling for the main html tags.
Styling Interface – Styling via the interface is available for: Shadows, Borders, Rounded Corners, Background color or pattern image, Show/Hide Buttons, Animations, Paddings.
Custom CSS – You can further style by doing some custom CSS. Unique and custom classes are available for all overlays.
This plugin will allow you to create unlimited number of custom sidebars that you will be able to place in your overlays. Once a sidebar is created it will be available in Appearance -> Widgets section just like any other sidebar.
Newly created sidebars can have vertical or horizontal widget alignment.
Vertical and Horizontal widget alignment
Vertical – This is the default WordPress widget alignment. The widgets in sidebars (widget areas) with vertical alignment are arranged in a column bellow each other.
Horizontal – The widgets in sidebars (widget areas) with horizontal alignment will be arranged in a row next to each other (lined up on the same line). Such widget areas are fluid and very flexible. The widget area width will be equally divided between all widgets in this widget area.
You can
Horizontal or vertical widget alignment.
Custom Responsive Layouts
Creating custom responsive layouts in your overlays is just a few clicks job with the OTW Grid Manager. No coding is required. It is all done in a very easy to use drag & drop interface.
Some of the features of OTW Grid Manager:
Responsive Layouts
Save & Load Templates
Drag & Drop Interface
Clone, Resize, Edit, Delete
Insert Sidebars
This plugin comes Localization/Internationalization ready. It is following WordPress I18n standards. It can be easily translated or localized in other languages different than English. We have included .po/.mo files.
Fits well into the core WordPress design
Optimized performance for large WP installations
Ajax based operations so you don’t have to wait on pages to refresh
Theme Authors and Developers
Include this item in your themes and give your users tons of functionality. All you need is 1 extended license for each theme you put on the market and permission from the author which you get by
writing us.
If you have any suggestions on how to improve this item please let us know! We will seriously consider any suggestion and add it to item’s update list
If you like this item please consider rating it as a way of supporting consistent improvements.
Note: If you are rating below 5 stars, please contact us. We’ll try to do our best to assist or fix all your points of criticisms.
Version 1.0(25.08.2014)
Initial release