Real Time Image Presenter tool for Wordpress
Create realtime multiuser presentations in few minutes to share products, slides or photos
You can use a WordPress page that acts as remote controller and another one to display the presentation.
RealTime Image Presenter tool for Wordpress includes two different shortcodes: [wp-realtime-controller] and [wp-realtime-gallery].
Both, the “controller” and “the gallery” can be included in any wordpress page or post and can be syncronized even if they are on different blogs and domains.
You can use your mobile phone/tablet as controller and your desktop or a video projector to display the gallery.
To use the plugin you need a free Firebase account. Read the documentation to get more info about this simple step.
Multiuser and Multiroom
Shortcode to create a remote controller
Shortcode to create a controlled presentation
Touch / Swipe carousel with page indicators
Fullscreen mode
Easy integration
Two-way communication (experimental)
Examples of use
1. one-to-one:
talks: make presentations from your laptop (on video projectors) and control them by your mobile device
work: show your catalogue/magazine/photos on the customer’s computer and control it from your smartphone
family: open the photo gallery link on the HTML5 browser of your smart TV (should also works with GoogleTV, AppleTV, AndroidTV and many others) and control it from your phone.
every showcase or presentations that is to be controlled by remote
2. one-to-many:
training: share your presentation to all the displays of the attendees (desktop, tablet or smartphones)
online meetings: share your slides to all monitors of the partecipants without a screensharing tool
multi-display showcases
How to use
The plugin includes two different shortcodes: [ wp-realtime-controller ] and [ wp-realtime-gallery ] .
Both, the “controller” and “the gallery” can be included in any wordpress page or post and can be syncronized even if they are on different blogs and domains.
This plugin is a tool and the goal is not to use it in a traditional website (although you can do it).
So both components, the controller and the gallery, works fine on most of mobile devices, tablet and smartphones, such as IOS, Android, Blackberry 10 and many others.
While the best fullscreen desktop experience is available on Google Chrome for desktop (IE9 is not supported).
The controller and the gallery works on any resolution.
Anyway you can manually update the plugin CSS if you need to customize it.
RealTime Image Presenter takes advantage of AngularJS, Angular Carousel, JQuery and Firebase.