Multi-purpose WordPress theme that can be used as portfolio, blog and business sites. Fully responsive and retina ready.
Supports bbPress forum Wordpress plugin
Supports WPML multilingual plugin
Includes Revolution Slider
Multilingual support via standard Wordpress API
Parallax effect with custom background content (images, videos, google maps and so on)
Wide, bordered and boxed layout styles
Retina ready
Custom accent theme color
Widgets ready footer with collapsing/expanding feature
Many flexible shortcodes with the shortcode builder
Google Fonts and Standard fonts support
One Click DEMO import
Custom content Import/Export feature to migrate/copy the site to another domain
Flexible header
2 color schemes for main menu (light and dark)
Customizable optional menu
Custom header background (video, image, color, Revolution Slider, Google Map and any custom html)
Parallax header background
Sticky header
Advanced customizable portfolio
2, 3, 4 and 6 columns portfolio layouts
Fullwidth portfolio
Portfolio with the custom page background
4 different effects for hovering of project images
Grayscale effect for portfolio images
Dotted mask effect for portfolio images
Classic projects navigation and automatic projects loading via Infinite Scroll
Classic and Grid blog layouts
Support of different post formats