A pioneering system for the measurement and analysis of social impact through social networks (via Twitter). Display multiple data and compare results in visual graphic charts or simply display a timeline from a user or hashtag. Monitorize in real time the activity from multiple users or hashtags: new tweets, followers, retweets, mentions… Compare data in a certain period of time. View the last most relevants tweets.
Spanish description
Social Audience Plugin es un script avanzado para la medición de audiencia social a través de Twitter. Un sistema pionero y fácil de usar capaz de ofrecer visualización y análisis de datos efectiva del impacto social de usuarios y hashtags usando la API de Twitter. Medir, analizar y visualizar este impacto es su objetivo.
Social Audience Plugin is a multi-functional Twitter feed system. A pioneering system for the measurement and analysis of social impact through social networks (via Twitter).
Measure, analyze and visualize this impact. SA Plugin provide social media engagement, publishing and analytic tools for Wordpress users. A powerful plugin for social measurement.
Monitor Hashtags and Topics on Twitter and analyzes incoming messages for all of your connected Twitter profiles to give you hassle free insights. Configure your trending topics, hashtags and influencers across your profiles.
See the Tweets behind what’s trending, dig into day-by-day stats and chart relationships between hashtags & topics.
You don’t need any HTML/CSS/PHP knowledge to install and use this plugin. Just upload and activate the plugin, that’s all.
Built on HTML5Future proof design with latest technologies. Improved plugin performance.
Twitter Boostrap v3 FrameworkAmazing CSS framework for solid design.
Fully responsiveLooks great on laptops, tablets and mobiles (don’t forget to view demo in a mobile device or just resize your browser).
Predefined skinsChoose of the predefined skins to start or edited.
Elegant and clean designEnhanced by some pretty jQuery effects.
Clean HTML / CSSIf you want to digg in the code, you will find it easy and well organized.
Built with LESSUse the LESS Luke!!!
Cross browser compatibleIt works fine on any modern, major browser(IE8+, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Opera).
Google fontsYou can select your preferred one in the backend.
Custom elegant social iconsElegant and efficient to link to your social profiles.
http://www.saplugin.com/ (both, Spanish and English and Video Demo)
Full documentation
Knowledge base & support center
Designed and developed by: Pumpún
Conception and design:Â Berio Molina
Coding:Â Lino Bran (aka linoman)
Project Manager:Â Chiu Longina
The plugin has been possible thanks to the following resources:
Composer a Dependency Manager for PHP
Guzzle PHP HTTP client and webservice framework
Idiorm & Paris Light object-relational mapper and fluent query builder with an Active Record implementation
TWIGÂ Template engine for PHP
Chart.js Simple HTML5 Charts using canvas
jQuery javascript framework
Bootstrap CSS framework
Font Awesome The iconic font and CSS toolkit
Slick Light and reponsive carousel
LESSÂ CSS pre-processor
And of course thanks to TWITTER