Total Video Player Wordpress Plugin
Total Video Player with HTML5 video and Youtube supports unlimited number of video sequences / adverts with optional video quality for each video and subtitle / captioning support in vtt/srt format.
Responsive layouts
Only mp4 video format required for all browsers and devices
Multiple instances in same page supported
Unlimited number of videos adverts / sequences.
Supports self hosted HTML5 videos with flash fallback
Youtube API V3 (single videos)
Youtube set suggested quality
Automatically generated description and title for Youtube (or your own custom instead)
Mix together Youtube and MP4 videos to create any kind of playlist
Video subtitles, captions support in srt/vtt format.
Optional right click context menu
Optional video download (specify your own path)
Video quality option (for youtube all available qualities are taken automatically, for mp4 videos any number of qualities can be set)
Video aspect ratio (fit inside, fit outside)
Optional social sharing in player (facebook, twitter etc…)
Optional skip button with time setting
Optional video controls (with autohide)
Optional disable seekbar
Optional video autoplay
Optional video looping
Optional description
Optional player logo
Play media
Pause media
Toggle media
Next media
Previous media
Destroy media
Set volume
Toggle description
Get title
Get description
Toggle Share/embed
Load new playlist/video sequence
Skip Intro
Setup Done
Video Loaded
Video Start
Video Play
video Pause
Video End
Fullscreen Enter
Fullscreen Exit
Quality Change
Subtitle Change