Woocommerce gift registry

A)Introducing to Woocommerce gift registry – top

The Woocommerce gift registry is an module that allows customers to create gift registry for wedding, birthday, baby gift registry on your store. After fulfilled information about gift registry customer can add items in your store to his gift registry. Customer can share gift registry via Facebook, Twitter, Google plus and email to friends. Friends follows links and buy gifts for gift registry’s owner. The plugin can send notification email about the gift order. .


The Woocommerce product label plugin includes a number of features and benefits, perfect for your online store. Using this Wordpress plugin, you can efficiently:
  1. Customer can create /edit gift registry by enter registrant first name , lastname…
  2. Woocommerce gift registry module add link “Add to gift registry” below add to cart button
  3. Customer can add unlimited product on store to his gift registry.
  4. Customer can share his gift registry via Facebook, Twitter , Google plus
  5. Customer can use email form to invite friends to view gift registry and buy item
  6. Customer can manage/edit gift registry in my account page with ease
  7. Ability to send notification email after a gift giver buy products in gift registry
  8. Ability to automatically fill shipping address with registrant’ shipping address
  9. Ability to edit/ delete registry through admin panel

Guide to configure – top

You can access gift registry configuration by login in backend , click Woocommerce > Settings then select Gift registry tab
All the configurable fields are self-explanatory
  1. Notify gift registry’s owner when someone buy gift : Check this checkbox to enable module send email to registry’s owner when someone buy gift. Note that it send email to the gift registry’s owner email
  2. Notify gift registrant when someone buy gift: Check this checkbox to enable module send email to registrant’s email when someone buy gift.
  3. Notify admin when someone buy gift :Check this checkbox to enable module send email to admin’s email when someone buy gift
  4. Email subject: You define notification email subject in this field
  5. Email content: You define notification email content here. You can use predefined variables {{buyer_name}},{{store_url}},{{store_name}},{{order_url}} ,{{order_items}}
  6. Not allow adding items to gift registry until fulfill shipping address: We highly recommend you check this checkbox.
  7. Social title: it will be used when customer share their gift registry
  8. Social textit: will be used when customer share their gift registry
  9. Social image url: will be used when customer share their gift registry. You enter a url of image here
  10. Share gift registry via facebook : check this to enable customer share gift registry via facebook
  11. Share gift registry via google plus: Enable this option allow gift registry’s owner share his gift registry via google plus
  12. Share gift registry via twitter:Enable this option allow gift registry’s owner share his gift registry via twitter
  13. Share gift registry via email: Enable this option allow gift registry’s owner share his gift registry via email

B)How customer use gift registry functionality – top

The module add a page name Gift registry to your website. You can edit this page from admin panel to add information about your gift registry program , policy …. but do not delete the short code in this page. It will crash the functionality of module
Customer click on create gift registry, the module open my account page. Gift registry add extra form in my account page , so customer can easy create /edit/manage gift registry
Customer can enter the necessary information for his gift registry here. After fulfilling the gift registry information and shipping address, customer can click on add to gift registry link on product page to add items in his gift registry. If customer has not fulfilled gift registry information and shipping address, he can not add the item in gift registry successfully. He will see a notice after click add to gift registry link Customer can easily manage his gift registry items in my account page
Customer can share his gift registry via Facebook or Twitter or Google plus from my account page. If the customer clik on Email in share section. A form will appear to allow he sending email. He will fulfill his friends email in the Recipient field. The subject and content is automatically generated, he can edit these fields.
Example of received email
A friend can follow the shared link to view gift registry Gift giver can enter quantity of item and click buy button. After click buy button, he begins a session to buy gift for friends. He can see this in cart page He can view the gift registry that he are buying item for , or he can end gift giver session by click the link on top of cart. A giver goes through checkout process will see the page like this The shipping address is auto fulfilled with gift registry’s owner shipping address.
After an gift giver buy item, the module will send notification email to admin and gift registry’s owner and he will see the received item in his gift registry manage section.

C)How admin use gift registry functionality – top

Admin can view , delete, edit the gift registry from the gift registry panel

D) Road map – top

  1. Ability to change status active/in-active in admin panel
  2. Ability to let customer upload image for his gift registry
  3. Add search functionality for gift registry
If you have want the further features that is not supported in current version, do not hesitate to contact us. Magenest