Woocommerce PrePurchase

Woocommerce PrePurchase v1.0
Woocommerce PrePurchase is a Woocommerce extension that adds the ability of selling on your store products that are not yet
available but you would like to list on your store so that customers can pay for it in full or simply pay using the charge me later? payment
gateway pending the availability date.
This plugin is undoubtedly the best solution to handle preorder/prepurchasable products.
Easy to use product settings
Easily set up your products as prepurchasable from the product settings tab.
-Date picker to select the date of availability.
Payment Types:
1. Upfront Payment : This payment type allows full payment to be made at the checkout before the pre-order date. For upfront payment,the buyer can make payment with the regular payment
gateways configured on the store.
2. Availability date payment : This payment type uses the charge me later? payment gateway to process orders. On availability date,an email is sent to the buyer
to complete the payment within the deadline specified. This payment type only makes use of the charge me later? payment gateway.
Availability date and price change email notification
Whenever there is an update in the price or availability date of the prepurchasable products,an email is automatically sent to customers that have ordered the product.
Introducing Charge Me later? payment gateway
Charge Me laLter? payment gateway integrated with Woocommerce PrePurcahse makes it possible for the user to order without making any payment.Then on the availability date,the cart
is then emailed to the user so that the user can checkout and make the payment.
“Pre Order” order status
All prepurchasable products ordered irrespective of payment type is marked as “pre order” pending the availability date.
Email Templates Settings
CHoose from the plugin’s numerous tags to set up your email template
Customer First Name
Customer Last Name
Customer Email
Customer Dashboard Url
Item name
Item quantity
Order Id
Availability date
Payment gateway
Blog name
Still more features
Clean and well structured code.
Dedicated support
Cheap customization fee if need be
P.S : Availability date as used on this page is the date the product will be available.