Woocommerce Similar Category Products Widget

Woocommerce extension which provide the functionality to show Best Seller Products, Featured Products, Top Rated Products, Recent Products, Recently Viewed Products, On Sale Products, Random Products lying on same category/categories of single product or woocommerce product category page currently viewed/opened. This extension is helping the developer to enhance the user experience to show best seller, featured, top rated, on sale, random products on sidebar which are the part of category / categories of single product page opened by user or any other woocommerce category page currently viewed. It is very useful extension to boost your sales by providing lot of other choices from interested categories. Let’s take a example that suppose you have two categories ‘Shoes’ and ‘Cloth’. ‘Shoes’ category has two subcategories ‘Formal’ & ‘Sports’. Similarly ‘Cloth’ category has two subcategories ‘Men’ & ‘Women’. If you have used ‘Similar Featured Products’ widget is sidebar, widget will acts like normal featured product widget in home page & shop page or any other page. When user select any single product of subcategory ‘Sport’, sidebar widget will show all featured product which are lying in the category ‘Sport’. In backend if admin will check the option ‘include parent category’, widget will show all featured products lying in subcategory ‘Sport’ & its parent category ‘Shoes’. It will also work on products which are the part of multiple categories. Installation of Woocommerce Similar Category Products Widget extension is very easy. Just upload plugin files & activate the plugin. Go to the Appearance->Widgets from left sidebar of Admin panel. You will get ready to use modified widgets by prefix of “Similar”. Drag them to the sidebar and configure like your normal widget including number of products assigned. Now you are through to get complete control over your widget functionality. Happy Selling!!! Demo : TEST AS THE MEMBER/GUEST http://wp-zone.net/demo2 TEST AS ADMIN http://wp-zone.net/demo2/wp-admin User: admin Password: admin