Woocommerce Where did you find Us
Where are Your Customers finding your website?
Want to narrow in on how your customers are finding your website?
Google Analytics can’t determine if Word of Mouth was the referral, but this plugin can!
This plugin seamlessly integrates a new area into your WooCommerce Checkout Page, with a title of “Where did you find our website?” (This text is customizable)
You create the options, and your customer selects one. If they chose “Other” they will be given the option to add their own choice in a text input box.
Learn how people discover your website
Use this information for marketing purposes
Learn what marketing tactics are working and which are not
Optionally to make the field required.
Use to collect all sorts of different relevant data other than just how a customer found you. (e.g. “Which of these magazines are you most likely to read?” “Which is your favorite Social Media site?” etc.)
Quickly assess the results with clear graphs that visually display the results in an Admin Panel.
This is s popular feature on many e-Commerce websites, but until now, you couldn’t do this with WooCommerce.
Now you can.