WordPress plugin to run your giveaways, freebies, raffles.
- Facebook Like
- Tweet
- Follow on Twitter
- Subscribe to mailing list
- MailChimp Integration
- Campaign Monitor Integration
- Aweber Integration
- CSV option for none of the above. Stores emails to wp database and available for export to CSV file from admin side.
- Answering a Poll
- Commenting on Blog Post
- Participate in Survey
- Review on Product
- Google +1 to an URL
- Share URL on Google+
- Subscribe YouTube Channel
Other features:
a. Export user entries and their results to CSV file.
b. Gift Image upload option.
c. Random Winner(s) choose.
d. Manual Winner choose.
Future enhancement:
1. LinkedIn share
2. LinkedIn follow
3. Pin It button – Pinterest
4. Follow on Pinterest
5. Cross-Domain support for Raffle