Creative socials

Creative socials Version 1.0

This product is exclusive only to
Demo Video HD :


  • - It Includes 62 Social Icons.
  • - Social Icons Profile Users.
  • - web Social Icons In ShortCode.
  • - Profile Social Icons In ShortCode.
  • - Drag And Drop.
  • - Widgets Social Icons.
  • - Custom Position.
  • - Very Easy To Use.
  • - Easy Control Panel.
  • - Control the dimensions of icons and colors and arranged
  • - Socials Icons.
    1. facebook
    2. pinterest
    3. vimeo
    4. windows
    5. skype
    6. twitter
    7. google
    8. foursquare
    9. yahoo
    10. yelp
    11. feedburner
    12. linkedin
    13. viadeo
    14. xing
    15. myspace
    16. soundcloud
    17. spotify
    18. grooveshark
    19. lastfm
    20. youtube
    21. dailymotion
    22. vine
    23. flickr
    24. 500px
    25. instagram
    26. wordpress
    27. tumblr
    28. blogger
    29. technorati
    30. reddit
    31. dribbble
    32. stumbleupon
    33. digg
    34. envato
    35. behance
    36. delicious
    37. deviantart
    38. forrst
    39. play
    40. zerply
    41. wikipedia
    42. apple
    43. flattr
    44. github
    45. chimein
    46. friendfeed
    47. newsvine
    48. identica
    49. bebo
    50. zynga
    51. steam
    52. xbox
    53. outlook
    54. coderwall
    55. tripadvisor
    56. netcodes
    57. easid
    58. lanyrd
    59. slideshare
    60. buffer
    61. rss
    62. vkontakte

  • Version History

    /*-----------------------------------------------*/ * Version 1.0 * - Initial version. /*-----------------------------------------------*/


    Thanks so much to
  • jQuery
  • jQueryUI
  • Color picker