Magic Hover - WordPress plugin


This plugin allows you to add images with additional effects and layers, that appear when user hovers mouse over image. There is 3 kind of layers – Image itself, text and hover. You can use unlimited Text and Hover layers for each image. Also this plugin has advanced admin part, that allows you to manage your layers order by Drag&Drop and edit already added shortcodes.


  • 3 type of layers
  • Unlimited Text and Hover layers
  • Pretty visual effects for each layer
  • Drag&Drop layer editor
  • Ability to edit already added shortcodes
  • Background Image
  • Ability to select image size via Image Media
  • Zoom Option
  • Text Layer
  • Ability to add fade effect
  • Ability to select text wrapping tag
  • Ability to select font
  • Ability to select font size
  • Ability to set text appear direction
  • Ability to add text rotate effect
  • Ability to add text zoom effect
  • Ability to add delay before text will appear
  • Ability to add text vertical margin
  • Ability to set text color
  • Hover Layer
  • Ability to add fade effect
  • Ability to set hover layer appear direction
  • Ability to add hover layer zoom effect
  • Ability to add delay before hover layer will appear
  • Ability to set hover layer opacity
  • Ability to set hover layer shape
  • Ability to set hover color