Sticky Music Player «Line-R» â WP Edition
Linear Music Player it’s a beautiful simple tiny player for bottom or top of your site. Find the best sizes and colors for yourself and embed it on the page right now. It works on tablets and personal computers, you can even embed it to my mobile html5 app.
We have made it easy to use and install for anyone. Add only one line and it will work. No complicated configurations and script, no torment with css and writing a lot of HTML code. Just copy/paste in any place on your website and you will have an amazing html5 music player for and for your listeners.
Audio Player Features
Many colors (use the color picker)
Two dimensional types: thick and thin (use the settings on the left)
Do not closes the lower part of the page content
You can set absolutely any color suitable to your design
Can shows Nowplaying info in title of the page (optional)
Beautiful rotation track title and album (optional)
Unique waveform for positive user experience
Multiple colors for your site design
Has playlist
Only mp3 file required
VERY Easy to Install
Only 1 one line of code and if you need I will do it for you by myself
Detailed documentation and sample files
Even old browsers – FLASH fallback included for older browsers that don’t support HTML5 audio
Hiding playlist does not cover the content
Playlist opener button for mobile devices
Responsive, Mobile ready, Tested on Smartphones, Tablets, Touch Screens Win8, etc
Shuffle mode and button (optional)
Loop mode and button (optional)
Advanced features in the settings:
Player have some options for you (all is optional):
shuffle – Predefine the shuffle mode
autoplay – Predefine the autoplay mode
accentColor – Set the accent color for all player
firstPlaying – Predefine first playing song at playlist
loop – Predefine repeat player’s politic
volume – Predefine volume rate at the start
veryThin – Set the tiny styles player skin
roundedCorners – Set the styles of player corners (rounded or not)
slideAlbumsName – Rotate album name and title or not
nowplaying2title – Show NowPlaying info in title or not
pluginPath – Path to your plugin’s folder