WIDE – Showcase Slider
WIDE, a WordPress plugin that shows your work in an interactive way. You can use it within your content through “wd_slider” shortcode, as full screen single or set as homepage. The plugin supports: custom colors and autoplay settings for each slider, change slides order through drag and drop, wp-editor for each slide. Additionally the plugins implements a full screen shortcode (“wd_slider_full”) which can be used to showcase with a full width and height page template.
Custom settings for each slider
Add content for each section (including third party shortcodes)
Easily change slides order by drag and drop
Custom CSS support
Set as homepage
Keyboard navigation support
Custom title, subtitle, buttons shortcodes
Next/Previous slide navigation
Comprehensive documentation for WIDE plugin. Browse the documentation, search for help topics, step by step guide on how to install and use the plugin. See
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Preview images –
Photodune.net, Preview icons –
ModernUiIcons (preview images are not included within the download package)