WooCommerce Etsy Importer
Woocommerce Etsy Importer is a WordPress Plugin that lets you import your Etsy shop’s Products to your WordPress run WooCommerce site.
This allows you to have your own shop quickly & easily, and enjoy WooCommerce & WordPress immense selection of stunning shop designs and features.
Preparing the Importer takes no longer than 5 minutes, and several minutes after that, you’ll have all your shop’s products prepared for you in your WordPress site.
The Importer’s Control Panel is very well documented, and choosing the right settings as designed as a easy step-by-step guide.
The importer keeps track of all your importing history, which will make it easy for you to update the shop, if you changed the products in your Etsy shop.
What does the Importer Imports
The Importer imports all of the product’s data. Data Includes :
Product’s Title.
Product’s Content.
Product’s Categories, Section & Tags.
Product Price.
Product Photos
Product Variations
Product Attributes
Product Sale Notes
Product’s Etsy ID, Product Etsy URL.
Additional Featured
Importer will help you assign unique SKUs to your products.
Helps you organize your product categories (including sections).
Can import either full or medium quality images
Auto Publish all products, will fallback to draft if product is not imported perfectly.
Helps you generate excerpt.
Importer keeps track on all your past imports, for easy tracking.
Can import by specific listings, a range of listings or all listings.
Importer Skips duplicates.
Please bear in mind that the importer cannot import digital files.