WooCommerce Sales Enhancer is a WooCommerce Extension Plugin which can enhance your
sales by adding maximum of
4 Buttons such as
Top Seller, Best Deal, New Stuff and Shop More which are all highly customizable. All the 4 Buttons are highly customizable with custom label, custom color,
URL to redirect on button click etc. These Buttons can be displayed in
4 positions on the Cart Page and 3
positions on the Single Product Page.
4 Cool Buttons to Advertise things like Top Seller, Best Deal, New Stuff and Shop More.
Can be displayed in 4 positions on the Cart Page and 3 positions on the Single Product Page.
Increases your Click through Rate and your Sales.
Custom Label, Custom Color, URL to redirect on button click etc.
Option to open the link in new window.
Options to disable each button.
Custom CSS Options for Sales Enhancer Buttons.
Simple and Easy to Use.
If you have any problems or need help for this Plugin, simply contact us by Comments or
Register and open a support ticket on our site.
Version 1.0
- Initial Release